THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES, 1. INTRODUCTION RECALL the competence assigned to the European Union, in particular by Article 6 and Article 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, according to which sport is...
Accord partiel élargi sur le sport (APES) I. IntroductionII. Le trucage des matchs comme une forme de corruptionII.1. Le sport en tant qu’activité du secteur publica) Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruptionb) Convention pénale du Conseil de l’Europe sur la corruptionII.2. Le sport en tant qu’activité du secteur...
Written declaration on combating corruption in European Sport The European Parliament, – having regard to the seventh indent of Article 165(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which states that Union action shall be aimed at developing the European dimension in sport, by promoting fairness...
Developing the European Dimension in Sport INTRODUCTION EU-level cooperation and dialogue on sport have been greatly enhanced thanks to the 2007 White Paper on Sport1 . Almost all actions in the accompanying “Pierre de Coubertin” Action Plan have been completed or are being implemented. The White Paper includes a...
The Lisbon Treaty and EU Sports Policy A study providing a panorama of the possibilities of EU sports policy at a time when these are being reviewed after the approval of the Lisbon Treaty. In particular, the study assesses from a legal point of view, the potential of the...
PFSC MATCH-FIXING RESOLUTION The Professional Football Strategy Council (PFSC) meeting in Monaco has agreed to step up the fight against the growing menace of match-fixingThe Professional Football Strategy Council (PFSC) meeting in Monaco today agreed to step up the fight against the growing menace of match-fixing in European football and approved...
European Parliament resolution of 10 March 2009 on the integrity of online gambling A transparent sector that safeguards the public and consumer interests. Tackling fraud and other forms of criminal behaviour. Prevention of consumer detriment. Code of Conduct. Monitoring and research. European Parliament resolution of 10 March 2009...
Transparency International – Czech Republic How to understand corruption? UN Convention on corruptionSport todayWhere can corruption in sport occur?Match fixingManaging of international sport federationsCorruption in relations to TV rights and marketingGetting better sport resultsCorruption in order to host of gamesTrading of playersCorruption related to election to sport governing bodiesThe...
European Parliament resolution of 8 May 2008 on the White Paper on Sport The organisation of sportDopingEducation, young people and healthSocial inclusion and anti-discriminationSport and third countriesPolicing of sporting eventsEconomic aspectsIssues related to the employment of sports peopleEU sport funding European Parliament resolution of 8 May 2008 on...
European Parliament resolution of 29 March 2007 on the future of professional football in Europe General contextGovernanceFight against criminal activitiesSocial, cultural and educational role of footballEmployment and social issuesFight against violence, racism, other forms of discriminationCompetition law and the internal marketSelling of television rights and competition lawDoping European...
Em comunicado, a Associação Portuguesa de Casinos torna pública a sua posição sobre o anunciado patrocínio da «Betandwin.com» , empresa de apostas desportivas via Internet, ao Campeonato da Super Liga. Este patrocínio é considerado ilegal pela Associação que afirma ir “usar todos os meios ao seu alcance” para o...
A Associação Portuguesa de Casinos (APC) afirma que os casinos portugueses vão usar todos os meios ao seu alcance para impedir o patrocínio da «betandwin.com» ao campeonato da Super Liga. Esta posição surge depois do anúncio de que se prepara o patrocínio daquela empresa de apostas desportivas via Internet...