• União Europeia: Os Estados da União Europeia não conseguem proteger os consumidores de jogos de azar, adverte a EGBA

    A European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) pede aos países da Europa que reforcem as suas medidas de proteção no setor de jogos de azar online. Um novo relatório descobriu que a Dinamarca é o único membro da União Europeia que adota as diretrizes de proteção ao consumidor. Encomendada...
  • The advertisement of online gambling services

    AVMS Directive to exclude minors from gambling advertisements Nicola Caputo, Member of the European Parliament, talks to the EGBA about the need to strictly prohibit gambling advertising targeting minors to ensure consumers at large are better protected. European countries have shifted their views from viewing gambling as something to...
  • The legal view: The evolution of CJEU case law on gambling

     To date, the Court has rendered thirty judgments concerning the application of the Union’s fundamental freedoms to gambling, eleven of which have been delivered since the last comprehensive overview of gambling- related case law in a previous edition of the EGBA News1 . The Court has since reaffirmed its...