Hoje, 28 de outubro, a Europol e o Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) assinaram um Memorando de Entendimento (MoU) para reforçar a cooperação na luta contra a corrupção no desporto. O acordo foi assinado durante o Fórum Internacional para a Integridade Desportiva, organizado anualmente pelo COI em Lausana, na Suíça....
Swiss casinos want to block the domains of international online gambling operators serving Swiss players while awaiting online regulation: the problem is they may have to pay for them. Many casinos in Switzerland are struggling financially. They need the international blocks as a stopgap until expected regulation arrives circa...
Zurich, Switzerland – Corruption, fraud, money laundering, back handers, cheating, doping, state-sponsored doping (allegedly), match-fixing, spot-fixing, self-interest and greed – greedy, corrupt old men. That has been sport in the year 2015. Having covered the relentless succession of sports scandals for Al Jazeera this year, let me first acknowledge a...